Welcome to Google Sites, a free service for you to communicate, connect, and collaborate with other users. We'd like to maintain an environment in which users are free to express their viewpoints and connect with others. In order to maintain this environment and ensure a positive user experience, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service and the freedom of expression that it encourages.
As a result, there are some boundaries on the type of content that can be hosted with Google Sites. The boundaries are explained in our community standards below. Please respect these guidelines. From time to time, we may change our community standards, so please check back here.
Nudity and Sexually Explicit Material
If your site contains sexually explicit material, you must mark the site as containing mature content. The content will be put behind an interstitial, so that users will have the choice of viewing or not viewing this content. If you do not mark your site as containing mature content and we become aware that your site contains images or videos with nudity or sexually explicit material, we will put the content behind an interstitial.
There are some types of sexually explicit material that we don't allow on Google Sites. We don't allow commercial pornography and sites that exist to drive traffic to a commercial pornography site. Users also may not publish content that promotes pedophilia, incest or bestiality.
Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography. When we are aware of child pornography on this product, that content will be removed and we will report it and its owners to the appropriate authorities.
Users may not publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people. We also ask users not to publish content that contains graphic violence.
Hateful Speech Against Protected Groups
Users may not publish material that promotes hatred toward groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.
We do not allow impersonation of others through our services in a manner that is intended to or does mislead or confuse others.
Private and Confidential Information
We do not allow the unauthorized publishing of people's private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security Numbers, driver's and other license numbers, and other personal information that is not publicly accessible.
Commercial Activity
You may use Google Sites to create websites for your business or to promote your products or services, unless you are in Cuba, Iran, or Sudan. There are some commercial uses we don't allow. We don't allow websites that have the primary purpose of redirecting visitors, acting as a bridge page, or driving traffic to another website. We also don't allow websites that have the primary purpose of profiting from displaying ads from any publisher network, such as sites created with little or no unique content and exist only to display ads.
It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. More information about our copyright procedures can be found on this page: http://www.google.com/sites_dmca.html
Unlawful Use of Service
Our products and services should not be used for unlawful purposes or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities. Your account may be terminated and you may be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Spam, Malware and Phishing
We do not allow transmission of malware and viruses or anything that may disrupt this service or harm our users. We will also disable your access to Google Sites or disable your Google Account if you use Sites for spamming, for instance, by sending out undesired or mass solicitations.
If you believe that someone is violating these community standards, please click on the "report abuse" link within Google Sites. If you click "report abuse", we'll review your report and take action if appropriate. Not all reports result in removal. We understand that sometimes people can do harm without meaning to, so we consider these cases carefully. If you feel like your account or content was removed by Google in error, please file a counter-report on this page: http://www.google.com/support/sites/bin/request.py?contact_type=disabled
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